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Below you can read more about the workshops and our workshop leaders

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Hip movements with Sara


Discover the power of effective hip movements and transform the way you climb! In this workshop, we’ll focus on unlocking your body’s natural mechanics to improve balance, control and efficiency on the wall. What to look forward to: • Find out to align your hips for optimal positioning on every move, whether it´s dynamic or static • Practice techniques for maximizing reach without wasting energy • Ways to use your hips to take the strain off your arms and climb smarter • Practical exercises on the wall, with personalized feedback It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or already an experienced climber looking to refine your technique, this workshop will help you climb smarter, not harder. Let’s get those hips moving!


About Sara 

Hi, I’m Sara, and I’ve been climbing for around 12 years. I’ve had the chance of competing at the German national level and even taking part in a couple of „fun“ international comps! When I’m not training myself, I work as a trainer and route setter, where i can share my love for climbing with others. In my workshop, I want to show you how mastering hip movements can evolve your climbing, make it smoother, more efficient and even more fun!

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Dynamical climbing with Selena

Dynamic climbing

This course is all about body movement and coordination. In just one 45min session, I’ll show you the skills you need to climb coordination boulders with confidence. The 45min session consists of two crucial parts: first, mental training exercises to gain trust in your abilities. And second: practicing different techniques on specific boulders set by Jules Vegas, Sarah-Selin Weniger and me.

This experience will not only improve your current skills but also equip you with the knowledge to continue developing your abilities in future climbing sessions!

Join me for a dynamic climbing workshop that promises lots of fun, progress and learning! Whether you’re an experienced climber or have just started climbing: choose your level and boost your confidence!



I’m a passionate climber and routesetter from Nuremberg, Germany. I started bouldering about four years ago and made fast progress since then. I took part at a few fun comp finals in the region but also abroad (for example in Paris). I’d say especially dynamic boulders are my signature style. I love the complexity that dynamic boulders bring with them. My goal at almost every session is to flash the dynamic boulders of the new set since it’s a hard, almost impossible challenge for me every time. I’d love to show you a few tricks on how to climb such boulders.

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Breathwork and yoga with Mic

20 min Warm Up for everyone

a simple but effective secret to improve your climbing! 

Workshop 1:  (ca. 45 min.)

Breathwork - for a stonger Athletic Performance! The most overlooked secret to improve your climbing!

Vom ersten bis zum letzen Atemzug verbringen wir unser Leben in einem ständigen Kreislauf von Ein- und Ausatmen. Doch nur wenigen von uns wird beigebracht, wie wir atmen, warum wir atmen oder auf welch wichtige Weise der Atem uns emotional, energetisch, physisch und spirituell beeinflusst! 

Ich zeige dir eine Atemsequenz, die dir hilft, deine Athletische Performance zu verbessern und erkläre dir auch die physiologischen Hintergründe, und warum bewusste Atmung, vor, während und nach dem Klettern so wichtig ist!

From our first breath to our last, we spend our lives in a constant cycle of inhaling and exhaling. Yet few of us are taught how to breathe, why we breathe or the important ways in which the breath affects us emotionally, energetically, physically and spiritually! 

I will show you a breathing sequence that will help you to improve your athletic performance and also explain the physiological background and why conscious breathing is so important before, during and after climbing!


Workshop 2: (ca. 60 min.) 

7 Secrets on how Yoga will improve your Climbing - Workshop and Yogaflow

Das Yoga für Körper und Geist gut ist, und hervorragend zum Klettern passt, ist jedem klar! 

Aber wusstest du das yogabasiertes, intelligentes Training dir helfen wird tatsächlich besser zu klettern? 

Ich zeige dir wie die 7 Secrets mir und vielen meiner Schüler geholfen haben, sich besser kennenzulernen und wie du mit den verschiedenen Elementen von yogabasierten Übungen deine Kletterleistung auf physischer und psychischer Ebene deutlich verbesserst! 

It's clear to everyone that yoga is good for body and mind, and that it goes perfectly with climbing! 

But did you know that yoga-based, intelligent training will actually help you to climb better? 

I'll show you how the „7 secrets“ have helped me and many of my students to get to know themselves better and how you can use the different elements of yoga-based exercises to significantly improve your climbing performance on a physical and mental level!


Hi my Name is Mic Brenzinger!

I live, love, climb and teach yoga in the beautiful Frankenjura, Germany, and am the founder of, a yogashool for climbers. 
I climb for over 20 years now and I share my passion, on how yoga will improve your climbing live! 

I also love handstands, coffe and fantasy books (when you know you know😅). 

Can’t wait to meet you at the event! 
Xxx Mic

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Mental training + Training with your menstrual cycle with Johanna



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Fingertraining with Chiara



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